Kia ora tatou,
This is Camp Update #5, we have made a lot of progress in a number of areas - hopefully this notice/email will fill you in!
Thanks to all those who helped out/attended the Housie afternoon on Saturday. The baking was greatly appreciated and there was a total overall profit of $600. Everyone was asked to bring in $3 per Yr 6/7 student to cover grocery prizes. If you haven't paid this yet, please do so asap. Money can go directly to Janet.
Fundraising to come this term:
Craft Market - We need parent volunteers to man the stall on November 15th. A notice will be coming out closer to the time requesting your help for an hour or so.
Angela or Charissa tried to make contact with all of you last week regarding the Stocktake that is happening on the evening of Sunday the 3rd November at Pak N Save Petone. If they couldn't get hold of you and you would like to earn some funds toward your personal contribution please get in touch with me asap.
We have a Sausage Sizzle happening on the 12th January at The Warehouse, Petone. If you would like to give up some of your time on a sunny summer's Sunday a portion of the funds raised will go toward your personal contribution. Please see Chris, Angela, or Charissa
We are running another Disco on the 8th November. We will send out a request for adult help soon.
Christmas Crafts will take place in mid November. Parents who offered to help at our camp meeting will be contacted in the coming weeks.
We still have some Chocolates for sale. If you would like a box, please speak to Chris.
We are cooking Hot Dogs for the school on most Friday's in Term 4.
Total Personal Contribution at this point in time
As a result of the fund-raising completed so far and one successful grant application we have reduced the total amount required at this stage to $190. The more money that we raise/receive will reduce this figure.
We really appreciate the people who have started paying little amounts of money so far. If you are paying in this manner and the total amount required ends up being lower that the amount that you have paid a reimbursement will occur.
If parents/whānau earn funds towards personal contribution through volunteering for some of the activities (indicated as such above), and have also paid money directly to the account or directly to Janet - and the total becomes greater than the amount owed, we will be in contact to discuss a reimbursement or whether you would like to donate raised funds into the general pool of money, or a specific but anonymous student.
Gear List
The gear list from 2012 has been up at Over the next two weeks I will meet with all Yr 6/7 students to sort out a gear list. This will come home in paper form and be emailed out.
Parent Volunteers for Camp
We had a lot of volunteers and truly appreciate everyone who put their name forward. We put all names into a ballot and have informed all successful and unsuccessful parents.
The following parents will be joining Liz and I as Camp Volunteers
Ana Pereira
Jan Quin
Khoa Nguyen
Dave Hanks
Sean Mahony
Two parents will also be travelling to Nelson at their own cost and helping out in different capacities, Tina Powell will be staying in her own accommodation while Angela Cameron will be staying at the Camp.
A huge thank you to all those who have volunteered their time so freely thus far. Especially Angela, Charissa, and Rachel who have done a great deal of work to get our personal contribution down so much so far!
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Nga mihi nui
Chris Theobald