Camp Gear List

This is the gear list from camp in 2012. It is only a rough guide at this stage. A full gear list will be given out in December this year. If you have any questions, please see Chris.

Kākāpō Camp 2012-  Kit List

Please bring the following in a sturdy bag/pack.  Remember that the clothes are to be worn for camp activities, it is NOT a ‘summer fashion festival’.

Gear to bring:
l   School PE gear for travelling to and from camp;
l   Sleeping bag/blankets;
l   Pillow and pillow-case;
l   5 pairs of socks and underwear;
l   1 x long sleeve thermal top;
l   1 pair of jandals/sandals;
l   3 pairs of shorts;
l   5 t-shirts or tops;
l   2 track pants/warm trousers (no jeans if possible);
l   2 warm sweatshirts/jumpers for night activities;
l   1 woollen jacket or jumper;
l   1 waterproof jacket/coat;
l   Pyjamas/Clothing to sleep in
l   Swim wear
l   2 towels (1 for water activities and 1 for showering);
l   Toilet gear (shampoo, soap, toothpaste and toothbrush etc);
l   Sunscreen (at least SPF15) and sunhat/cap;
l   Insect repellent;
l   Quiet time activities (books, cards or small travel board games);
l   4 grocery bags (for wet and dirty clothing);
l   1 small back pack or school bag for the day trip and the Ferry – (packed lunch on Monday trip);
l   Pencil case

l   Camera (student’s responsible for this)/digital camera;
l   Torch and fresh batteries (for the night activities).

l   Mp3 players / ipods / ear phones etc;
l   Electronic games;
l   Valuables;
l   Cell Phones;
l   Money
l   Your own sports gear (sport gear is provided);

l   Chewing gum.