Notice #4

CAMP 2014 Update Notice #4    25th September

Kia ora Year 6/7 Parents and Whanau,

This quick notice will repeat the email that was sent out on Monday. If you have any questions please feel free to speak to me at school.
Nga mihi

Chris Theobald

    Grant Applications - We have been successful in one application - ($2000 from Hutt Mana Charitable Trust), Thanks to Rachel Nankivel for her hard work preparing these applications. Hopefully we will have more positive results in the coming weeks!
    Fundraising is going well - If you would like a box of chocolates to sell please see Chris, Charissa or Angela. Fundraising will continue… (See Below)
    We will inform parents at the midway point of next term of the updated cost of the student contribution to camp (which will hopefully continue to diminish as the year progresses).
    Parent Volunteers - We have had 12 parents offer their time to join us on camp. We are still waiting on the Police Vetting process. Once completed we will complete the ballot and then contact all parents.
    Housie - A Housie afternoon is being run on Saturday the 19th October (mid afternoon). Although there will be groceries for prizes it has been decided that the easiest way to get the groceries is to request $3 from each Yr 6/7 student. This money will then be used to buy a wide variety of groceries which will be used as prizes. More information about the Housie afternoon will be coming home this Wednesday, however you can send the $3 with your child to Janet asap. We are hoping that this will be easier than getting a mixed assortment of groceries from each family. 
    At the next Craft Market we will need parents to man the cake stall. The PTA have kindly offered us the profit from the bake sale if we are able to be in charge of the table. More information will be sent out closer to the time - until then keep the morning/early afternoon of the 16th November free!