Notice # 1

KAKAPO CAMP 2014 UPDATE # 1 27th June 2013

Kia ora parents/caregivers of Kakapo 2014 students!

This notice will outline what was discussed on Tuesday night at our camp meeting. Thank you to all those who came and to those who sent their apologies.
I have uploaded the presentation to a Kakapo Class 2014 Blogsite I will upload all notices and information to the blog as well as send out emails / paper notices. This way you will be able to access information that has been given out at any time. Find it here:

Some Key Details:
Where: Teapot Valley Christian Camp, Nelson.
When: 10-14 March 2014
Who: All Year 7/8 pupils, 4-5 parents, Chris Theobald and Liz Heatley

The rough cost of the camp is $10,000. We are aiming to have grant applications worth roughly $4000 contribute to our camp. The remaining $6000 will be paid for by fundraising and parent contributions. The parent contribution at this stage (with minimal fundraising completed so far) is $170 the more we raise, the less the parent contribution will be (as an indicative guide, last year we managed to get the final amount down to less than $100). If you would like to set up weekly/fortnightly automatic payments ($5/$10) the school bank account is 03 0543 0161564 00 (Sacred Heart School Petone). Please make sure you include your name and the word ‘camp’. By starting small amounts now there wont be a larger bill later in the year. As an alternative you may wish to send small amounts of cash to the office now and then.
If you have any concerns about paying your contribution please speak to myself or Liz.
Our aim is to have all fundraising completed this year and all parent contributions made before February 1st 2014.

Angela Cameron, Charissa Prabhu and Ana Pereira have volunteered for the Fundraising Committee. This committee will meet to plan out some fundraising ideas that were discussed (list on second page). Although they will not be in charge of every activity they will liaise with parents and attempt to delegate roles to appropriate volunteers. Thank you to these three for kindly volunteering for this role.

Rachel Nankivell has offerred to write grant applications for travel and accomodation. Thanks Rachel!
Most fundraising will be split evenly between all students. There may be some activities that are offerred to earn money directly against student personal contributions. You will be informed of these if/as they occur.
If you would like to join this committee or assist with writing grant applications please indicate such on the return form.

Parent Volunteers
In Term 3, we will request interest from potential volunteers. These volunteers will be police vetted and if required we will then draw from a ballot to decide who will come (after taking into account gender and personal strengths). I aim to have volunteers know if they are attending before the end of Term 3.

Can you please assist your child to get the “I am Keen” form below filled out and returned to me or Janet before July 5th.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to get in touch via email, phone or in person at school.

Nga mihi nui!

Chris Theobald
(04) 568 6711

Student name/s:_____________________    Please return to Mrs Whalen or Mr Theobald before July 5th

I am keen to help organise the following fundraising activities (please tick):

Selling chocolates 
Selling student made arts/crafts 
Sourcing sponsorship 
School Disco 
Mufti Day 
Any other ideas for fundraising? ____________________________________________ 
I am keen to be a part of the fundraising committee

I am keen to assist with writing grant applications
I am NOT keen for my email address to be used to distribute fundraising information

I am keen to share other comments:__________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Signed:__________________ Date: ______________