Notice # 2 (August 2013)

Sacred Heart School, Petone – Intermediate Camp
Notice #2: Fundraising Plans Term 3
7th August 2013
Kia ora parents, caregivers and whānau,

This notice will inform you about our upcoming fundraising events, if you have any questions or comments please get in touch with one of us asap.

Nga mihi nui,

Chris Theobald, Angela Cameron and Charissa Parbhu  

DISCO and Mufti day – 16th August, 6:00-8:30pm

Our school disco is being run as a fundraiser for camp. The PTA have kindly agreed to pay for our venue – St Augustines Hall, (Britannia Street) so more of what we raise can go directly toward camp. We do need parental support to run the disco – being on the door, selling food and drink as well as general supervision. Any and all help will be appreciated – please indicate on the form attached how long you can help out for.
There is a notice in the school newsletter attached that gives more details about the disco itself.


On Monday the 19th of August we will hand out one box of chocolates to each family within the Year 6/7 group. Students and their families are asked to sell the chocolates and return a total of $60 per box to school asap. If you would like a second box, you can either request to receive 2 boxes on the 19th with the form below, or simply request another when you return the money for your first box.
We ask that you return chocolates that you are unable to sell as soon as possible, with all chocolates and/or money returned by the 6th September.
We will be selling some chocolates in the playground after school and will ask other parents in the school if they would like to take a box to sell on our behalf. So it would be best (if you are able), to sell your individual packs to people outside of the direct school community – sports team members, extended family, other community groups.
We will make $24 per box we sell – funds raised from the first two boxes families sell will go toward the general fund. If you are able to sell more than 2 boxes, all funds raised from subsequent boxes of chocolates will be directly debited from individual students’ personal contributions.
Further information will come home with the chocolates.


We have spoken to the PTA about running a bonus ball raffle at their quiz night on the 3rd of September, they have generously agreed. If you are attending the quiz night please speak to Chris or Charissa about how you could help sell a ticket or two.

Upcoming unconfirmed events

A decision on the following events will be made later in the term based on need, availablity and timing:

·      Kids Christmas Crafts – November
·      Sausage Sizzles at SHP – Fridays in Term 4.
·      ‘Pledgeme’ online crowdfunding/donations - Term 4
·      Chop Suey lunch at SHP – Term 4
·      Stocktake at local business
·      Sausage sizzle a local business

Student/s Name:______________________

Parent/Caregiver name:__________________

         I am able / unable to assist at the disco (Feel free to specify a time if you cannot stay for the entire duration)
          I would like to receive two boxes of chocolates on the 19th August.

All children are to return a form, regardless of specific responses - Please have your child return this slip to Mr Theobald before the 14th August.