Sunday, 19 October 2014

More "Diving In"!!

Mrs Nixon gave us some fresh inspiration for our Wearable Arts Inquiry topic by: discussing the Design Process; showing us some photos; discussing design ideas; looking at some creative ways of making masks & headgear and sharing some tips on what her & a previous class learned from doing a similar Inquiry in the past. 

Beatboxing @ Tech

The Tech room was extremely quiet!! ... But under those headphones a cacophony of beats were created by the Year 7's this afternoon!!

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Yr8's @ Hard Tech

The boxes being crafted by the Year 8's are taking shape...

Lots of skill being displayed in the Hard Tech room this afternoon!

Monday, 13 October 2014

Intermediate Tennis Tournament

Our Intermediate Tennis Team needed to be up bright & early and at school by 7.35am to get their school tracksuit! 

Here they are just about to  head off to Mitchell Park for the day.
Good luck! Play well :-) 

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Mr T's Welcome @ Holy Family School

Day 1 Term 4 - Mon 13 October- 
Waiting outside Holy Family School...

Mr T waiting with us- in his suit!

Speeches & waiata over- Mr T moves from the manuhiri side to the tangata whenua side. 

After the yummy kai we had a photo with Mr T 

Then we played out on their really big field with the Holy Family kids- we threw a lot of dried grass!! 

Then we had a final photo with Mr T and his new school family.

We thought Mr T's office was very big & tidy!!

Farewell Mr T!
We wish you well in your new job as Principal :-)