Sunday, 28 September 2014

Mr T's Last Morning in Kakapo

B4 School- Messages for Mr T on the whiteboard

Class Prayer- for Mr T, outside on the deck
During fitness- being mobbed by Tui class, who all wanted to say goodbye!!

Monday, 22 September 2014

Summer rolls!

Kaelin shared his delicious RISE challenge with Kakapo today. He made a healthy snack - Vietnamese Summer Rolls! 
They were yum! 
Thanks Kaelin

Sunday, 21 September 2014

A message from a parent

Kia ora Kakapo,
Here is a message from one of our kind patrol parents! Lets see if anyone else can get rave reviews too....

Very proud of the crossing team today especially, but all of the term too. They showed great enthusiasm in all weather.
A pleasure to be with!


Marvin And Elliot's Dipity Inquiry - The Aztecs

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Kakapo students leading the way in our Grandparents Mass...

Angelica reading a prayer of the faithful, with Oscar, Uheina and Wyatt waiting in the wings. 
Patrick and Kaelin - Altar servers

DUD - dress up day!

The school council organised a dress up day in three themes.
Our Kakapo students led the way with an awesome array of costumes!

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

yr 8 girls


yr 7 girls

Yr 8 Boys


Yr 7 Boys


Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Buddy Reading

Every fortnight on a Friday afternoon we do something with our Buddy class ( Kereru)
So far this term we have looked at our RISE values, created some art and shared books together. 
Our last session ( Wk 6) involved shared reading in the sun:-)

SBC science visit!

Kakapo was transformed into a Science lab this afternoon. The theme was LIGHT- lenses, bending of light, colours of light, refraction, mirrors, optical illusions & creating a pinhole camera- were the concepts we covered. 
The activities were 'hands-on', fun & full of great new learning!! 
a bug THANKS!  to Mr Higson and the SBC Science Crew for giving us such a great experience!