Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Vietnamese Language Learning

This week is 'International Languages Week' and we were  fortunate to have Vi & Kaelin's Ong noi (Grandad)spend some time teaching us some Vietnamese, this morning. 
We learned - greetings, numbers to 10, days of the week & months. 
We all practised together & then some people had a go by themselves ( in front of the class). Mr Nguyen thought we did a pretty good job at pronouncing  Vietnamese & gave us a big round of applause!
Thanks Mr Nguyen :-) 

Monday, 18 August 2014

More creative furniture on its way...

Pasifika Proud

Lots of co-operative construction & Maths skills were being developed this afternoon @ Pasifika Proud!
How many cubes have Marisah, Te Kafa & Lui used? How long is this snaky construction??

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Our 'Fruits of the Spirit' prayer this morning!

Following on from the lovely Mass to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation last night. 
Kakapo class shared some prayers about the power of the Holy Spirit. 
We started & finished School Prayer with song- opening with Michael Mangan's 'Holy Spirit Rock' and finishing with 'The Fruits of the Spirit' song.
Who can list all the 'fruits' now??
Love, Joy, Peace .... what's next??

Our special visitors!

It was great to have Ms Mahony join us in class today! She brought  Tom and Lucia into Kakapo

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Mary said yes yes yes!

Completed by Kaelin Nguyen

Owning our class...

As we have our own furniture - we are able to decorate it as we see fit. Today this involved painting some table legs and sanding our dining table - ready to varnish next week. Well done to Tonyano who us in charge of our dining table and also other students who all took charge with various painting/sanding tasks!

Prayer today

Joan prepared a great thought provoking prayer this morning. It involved a game that taught us that we were all equal - Joan also prepared scripture and other quotes to share with us!

Monday, 4 August 2014

Action from Rātu (Tuesday)

Mayor Ray Wallace met with our school Leaders to discuss moral courage and leadership
We also used conferenced in groups to show we were tickled pink with each other's writing, and also highlighted some green areas for growth:
We also welcomed back Gerryn who continued to teach is Ki-o-Rahi
And Kaelin found a stick insect!